OBatala ....
Before I begin :As, the year's pass we learn the different camino's (paths) of the Orisa . Always , starting with our own Title Orisás .. The works I will present is taken from my notes that I have taken over the years from my Padrino's and other santeros mayores (elders). By no means does this mean ...this is the correct way or that one should doubt their godparents (Padrino's) by any means, in the way you have received your orisha's ... These are just notes that I have taken and collected for my personal use that I would like to share with anyone that would like to have a copy or a deeper understanding of each Avatar of the Orisa's .. Again , These works are my own and my own personal views , Our religion by no means has a uniform base's .... each Rama (branch ) and ILE (casa) give the orisa according to their Tradition. These Posts are only the way some ILES and Ramas re-enforce the Orisa's.
And, explain a bit about each orisa and their Avatars (camino's). again these are from notes taken with my padrino's and other mayores .. you may add to these notes if you like or add to your specific orisa notes that you have accumulated or just notes you would like to add . YOU , may find some camino's that you never heard of or a Camino of interest .. each time I get a chance I will add to these posts in hopes that you may enjoy or find something you did not know about that particular camino or Avatar of orisa ...
TO speak of Obatala is to talk of the soul and spirit. To name the father of all humanity He is the love and the guide to its Maximum expression.
His name is divided by words OBBA- translated to Powerful King ... and TALA : spilled , extension, expansion.
Together the two words become OBATALA, King of all the santos.
He is also called by many names ... example : ORISHA POPO ( orisha that works with Clay) and ORISHA ALA MORERE ( the orisha that possesses the clay ) . These last two names are associated with the myths that describe Obatala as the creator of the first man and woman of clay . Other names that are given to Obatala
Orisa ojenia: the orisha that made and created life and existence to mankind.
ALA baniase: He who gives fourth and takes This name given for his great powers.
Orisana : the great orisha
OBA ba arubo: the ancient father king or the father of the gray beard.
Orisa Gisbiniki: The Great and Understanding King Orisha .
Origin from History
The origin of the history of Obatala is easy to find.
First is his name ..OBBA that means King, TI that means of or belonging to , and ALA which has been misinterpreted by many to mean .."white" so "King of white " would be the result, which would be easy but if the accent placed on ALA is changed from acute to Grave . Another ,word derived from ALA is ... limit or frontier .
The ideas that associate with the god are referred with this from ancient Egypt. This could be discovered that Obatala was a king from the river Nile. The word ALA is a form modified from the words Latur au, laur-au, which is a name given by the Ancient Egyptians to the River Nile. Timn, the mathematician used the same name ALA is the designing of the spring off the Nile , which is called PHI- ALA . For this OBATALA could mean King of the Nile in a literary sense. Or God of the Nile in another sense religiously.
Once we determine the significance of the name it is not hard to find the original God of the Nile, and where Obatala derives from.
Obatala has been described as the Alpha or the person that works with clay , mud, etc. (Orisa -POPO-ALAMORE), "father of the gray Beard" (OBABA ARUPO). The Egyptian Path or God of Egypt is called Khu-MU he is described equal to Obatala from Ancient Egypt
IN PHILS, KHUMN is described as the same a potter who created man and the gods from clay. For this reason he is known as the creator of everything that exists.. Father of all fathers , the mother of all mothers, creator of the heavens and the world below, the water and the mountains, creator of the female and male birds, fish and animals and assigned to give life to small children. As exposed before with KHUMN , Obatala is attributed these qualities as well to almost every detail. We , could then come to the conclusion that Obatala is a survivor of the Khumn of old Egypt.
We could take other factors into account to come to this conclusion as well . Specialist's that have been working in ancient Egypt have found a large community of black residents lived in ancient Egypt who where originally from sub -sahara of ELEPHANTINE. It is very possible that the contact of these blacks of Africa, with ancient Egypt have produced the worshiping of KHUMN and changed the name to OBATALA.
Here is another great factor the word in ancient Egyptian (MASU ) had the meaning of molder of clay . And similar words found in Yoruba which are (MA) and (SU) which ment to mold and to be a molder .
The name KHUMN also is found in Yoruba . Its form in egyptian is KHUMN-MU and This word in Yoruba is found in the derivative of OCURRI or OCU(n) RI (n) or OCONRI (n) meaning Man.
So it could be possible that OBATALA survived in ELEPHANTE , re-placing KHUMN-MU as the great god of that city due to the mix of the cultures of Ancient Egypt and the culture Yoruba.
IN the importance of IFA , we find OBATALA. WE find him in the line of ascension situated below OLODUMARE. IFA shows that the higher rank of importance was given and understood that He created man upon the earth . Obatala is such a higher elevated orisha although he may not be our title orisha he is given the same respect as if he was and adored as such. He is so important to our head for he is the "OWNER OF ALL HEADS ON EARTH".
OLODDUMARE , is to say God and the creator , OBATALA However ,archetype within our sight-able and tangible world that together with OLODDUMARE they created mankind.
Obatala is known like the great God. He belongs to the psychic system, that is to the belief in the being of the spirit and the soul. He dominates in the adoration and respect to a great number of Yoruba's and influences easily in their religious feelings.His anthropomorphic description (that attributes to God in human figure) it takes him near the humanity, While is OLODDUMARE, is found to be sublime and cloudy the adoration is popular towards Obatala. The tradition says that OBATALA this only lower to OLODDUMARE and that therefore, He presides over to all the other deities.
Myths ................ or legends
There are many myths associated with OBATALA One he is represented second in command under Oloddumare.
Olodumare, says the legend , created everything including Obatala .But he did not conclude the work. Before going away to the celestial kingdom to live like an absent God he entrusted to Obatala the task of the creation.
It is also said that Olodumare created man only leaving Obatala in charge of making the face, mouth, nose, eyes and skin.
another Obatala as the creator of man and the first woman on earth formed from clay.
another pataki says he created the first child in the womb of the mother and created deformities in people . The Albinos adore Obatala and are said to be his legitimate children. And, yet another myth is that Obatala has the custody over the people entering and leaving the cities that are adored by him . For this reason he is said to be on horse with a lance accompanied by a snake , fish , turtle and a leopard ..
Some of the Paths of Obatala ...
This orisha has many forms of character From the purist to the more sacred and venerable's.
Ochanla : the old grandmother oldest of the female paths of Obatala . Also said to be involved with the act of creation. Trembling , she loves peace the calmness and silence. She deals with the intelligence of mankind. In ARARA they call her SOFIAKUTE
Oba IGBO: Is the eye of the "Santisima" Providence . With his wife IYEMU they represent the Fathers of creation and the ancestors of all the orisha .
Obanla: she was originally to be wed to Eleggua, but Eleggua got cold feet and when he didn't show up, Ayagunna saved her from disgrace by taking her hand in marriage.
which is why she always wears white. she was a virgin when she married ayagunna
her colors are white and coral pink . she avenged the death of Obatala when Orishanla threw him off the mountain. Obatala was cut into 16 pieces by that fall, and Obanla was born from one of those pieces. she killed Orishanla and took over his domain in the sky.
she rides a horse is about 26 years old fights with a smitar. no one weilds that instrument better than she, not even ayagunna. she is the godmother of Ile Ife.
and was one of Ayagunna's many wives when he ruled Elejigbo. Seyitenu is the Arara name of Obanla "she who gave light to the world"meaning..
(this information giving to me from Eguin Lade)
OshaGrinan : is the king of the lands of Ketu. He is old a magnificent one. Others say that heis of the land of Iyesa. Messenger of Olofin, but also a gentleman of much calm. takes a walking stick with a Lechuza on top in a metal figure. He represents intelligence, discretion and experience. It lives in the Hill. Some old ones informed to me that he was sincretizado with San Jose of the mountain and that between His attributes took a hammer, a nail, a hand saw and a ruler in white metal.
Allaguna: Young imperfect, revolutionary and pendenciero
My padrino related things that he had listened to the old ones say that being albino (Allaguna) He was considered for the race of that time an imperfection. For that reason his father Olodumare hide him in a room. But he needed Shango to bring the 16 omolus to house of Olofin to overcome them battle and to secure the crown of Olodumare. Being Shango the guide,he considered that if he did judge them before Olofin, he would loose his political power and his force of control. Shango do not appear.
But Allaguna , seeing this , called to his father , and put on the clothes of Shango , his crown , and his sword, and mounted his horse and guided the omolu to the house of Olodumare, Recuperating all that was lost .Olodumare looked at his son and said: Look at my shame , with you my son ,you have saved me you will be called Allaguna ALLA DE GUMA, For this name means: loyal friend.. and you will Be the only Obatala with the power to fight against death. Invincible, undefeated and proud.
IN our history the stories of Allaguna tell us that Allaguna brought the wars the revolutions to the world and also Gunpowder. The arara call him EGUETU.
There is another pataki of Allaguna that says the world was in battles and Olodumare sent each orisha to try and stop it and none could . One day Allaguna said he could stop the wars and Olodumare sent him ... later that day Allaguna returned and told Olodumare that peace was now reining of the land .... Olodumare in surprize asked how he did it .. Allaguna told him he used his gunpowder and killed them all .
He represents the will of the character, voluntary and not to regret the decisions are what they are. If there is no discord there is no progress and it does not advance the world. His wife is called Eyuaro, she is the favorite daughter of Olodumare (she has no power in Ocha ) .she is only represented by a doll dressed in white next to his sopera.This Obatala spreads gunpowder and war by wherever he wants and goes. He is strong, young, it does not shake, He dresses in white with a red strip that crosses his chest, Since when cutting heads with his sword he wipes the blood clean on his white clothes. It was this Obatala that said to OLodumare: I will make the war until the day's end. And Olodumare answered . Until you feel the need to rest they will spend a millennium till that day arrives.
Owa Olofon, Oba OLOfun, OBa Lufon, Ocha Lufon, cha Lofon, BABA, Arubo:
this Obatala is very primitive. He is synchronized with Jesus of Nazareth . Also it is said that he is a old woman that when he comes down he is all wrinkled up , very small and shakes from being cold. He is covered from head to toe with a clean white sheet. All the orisha obey the commands of this Obatala , For by lifting his right hand and putting on their face , They become more tranquil and agree to follow his orders. His dance is very hard to do ... when he dances he is almost bend over to the ground and his hands drag on the floor . The spine is completely curved and with grace and timed moves he takes possession. Lydia Cabrera said that this Obatala comes from the lands of OYO, YEBU and EGGWADDO. He is the first to talk and gave humans the right to practice sex.
Acho , Acholo, Baba Acho : is male y very little mentioned . He is synchronized with San Jose of the Montana.
Oba Moro /Obamoro : is male Represented by Jesus of Nazareth . THe son of olofin. his otans are four When he mounts his caballo he comes in the form of Jesus carrying the cross and all the attributes of the passion are applied to him. he falls when mounted and in need of support . he wears white and purple.
Baba Fururu: macho as the following : Ocha Orolu, Akeyabiano, Katioken Mabu . Is synchronized with San Joaquin. This Obatala sits and gives instructions to the more younger audience .
Ejun Yobi: There are no information on this Obatala only that he is synchronized with San Jose of the montana.
Yeku-Yeku, Yeku Ono : some take him as a elderly man and others a elderly woman. synchronized with Cristo de Limpias and San Joaquin. He represents Patience and humility. His eleke is made of white cuentas with a ball of nectar and Ivory. He takes a cane . One puts a ball from the stomach of a cow he is also synchronized with the Holy Trinity .
Aleguema, Aguemo Yema, Aguema: is synchronized with Santa Lucia y for others the sacred heart. The chameleon is his messenger , It is said that he is the owner of the ceiba tree. Lydia Cabrera synchronized this obatala with San Jose. the messenger of shango and possesses his secrets .
Ekenike : from the land of Iyebu, Guardian of the town, war and a ancient who trembles. When he comes down one has to cover the room of Ocha, also where there is a tambor. THe caballo must be dressed in white or covered in white. and given a toy broom to go out and dance before the tambor he jumps in the air like a rocket. this Santo is surprised, gives I jump and soon begins to dance.
Talabi : This Obatala plays like she is deaf. Obatala female who is synchronized with Santa Rita de Casia . Talabi , is called in one chorus of the Jimaguas or Ibeyi. also her name is given to the Ibeyi who is female.
Orisa Boromu :Boromú and Borosiá are two Egbado orishas and for part of the orisha fúnfún or white deities associated with Obatalá. They are believed to be twin offspring of Yewá. The father of these orishas may be Orúnmilá, yet in Cuba, Olorishas maintain that it is Shangó. They are closely tied into the worship of Oduduwá, Olokún, Erinle, and Yewá. It is believed that when Yewá first learned of her pregnancy, the embarrassment led her to attempt to provoke a miscarriage.
Orishas related to Obatala :
Eyuaro, Eruadye... is the favorite daughter of Olofi and Iya. married with Allaguna
She is unalterable santa, does not move. It is necessary to speak with her so that Oba Moro sanctions.
OLOyueko : synchronized with the Divine Providence .
Suare: Lives in the mountains with Odua. Spirit of great Purity .
Yemmu or Yembo : considered the mother of the orisha . synchronized with the Pure Conception
Oke: Loyal companion to Obatala orisa fun fun , some say the spirit of the Loma or montana.
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